
Friday, July 8, 2011

we trip and we trek back

   I've been so busy this summer! I just came back from Michigan for a family reunion and took loads of pictures and had a bit of fun. I've been traveling, shooting (I shot my first wedding!) I got an offer to be apart of a new and upcoming magazine, and getting ready for softball, I am supposed to be in New York right now for a wedding, but it got cancelled, and more things coming up!

 This trip was a gruesome, 32 hours, there and back!

 My Aunt Shell :]
I was sitting on the floor taking these, so they're all at weird angles. My creep cousin, Brandon and my Aunt Sand!

My cousin, Malikee, the ladies man, as I secretly call him :]

 We were stuck in the hotel for a few hours, so we decided to look around and visit the city. I swear, we looked like TOTAL TOURISTS.

 OUR LIFELINE. hehe, my Droid and it's Google Maps. ♥
 I wanted to go to the border so bad, just to see what would happen. Mom said, too big of a risk, haha.

Okay, I live down south. WE DON'T HAVE THESE WHERE I LIVE! We went to The largest Museum of African American History and when we got there, there were meters? Yes, my mom and I tripped out at the same time. So, we put like 3 hours worth of coins in there, cause the directions weren't quite clear, and we were in for what, maybe an hour? Our donation to the city.

The lobby was surrounded in flags!

 This is James Brown's suit, one of his suits, that he often wore! :)

 Of course, McDonalds.
 My Aunt and err, my, eh-----Okay, I'm not exactly sure what that would make the lovely lady in the middle, being that is her newly wedded husband, my cousin. Aren't they like the cutest couple?
 After a long trip and stay, it was time to trek back home.

I thought I knew long road trips when I travel just one state over. Five states? Don't think so.


  1. You should've stopped in Indiana! lol :) looks like you had some good fun. You were WAY north...I used to live in Michigan. Great shots!

  2. looks like you had lots of fun :)
    your family and you seem to be lovely!

  3. oh i love all of these! i love road trips so much <3


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